The day you were born

Created by Lelawati 9 years ago
I remember when we learnt that we were pregnant with you. There aren't words to describe the joy I felt. Immediately you became my world. When I first heard your heart beat it sounded like wild horses running. It was swift, strong and powerful. Labour was long and painful. I remember the midwife saying to me "try harder or there will be complications". You eventually came out, all purple and red. The next time I saw you, you were the most perfect and the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. Ten toes, ten fingers, a beautiful face, perfect size and you were strong and healty. I remember taking you home. on our way we got a flat tire and your father had to drive the car to the nearest gas station to get it fixed. You never fussed and cried or wake up at all hours of the night. You were always pleasant and enjoyed everything. I would sing to you and you would smile. Your first year was filled with so much love and joy. Everyone would talk about your hair and how sweet you were. Your fist toy was a rainbow colour ball. Then you became a big sister.